Accrediting with FiP as a psychodynamic psychotherapist

Applicants should first read the document FiP’s Criteria for Accreditation as a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist followed by FiP’s Process for Accreditation as a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist  document.

Holders of a valid European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) awarded by the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP) may be eligible for full membership of FiP via our membership application process. Please follow this link for further information regarding this possibility.

Applicants  wishing to begin the accreditation process as a psychodynamic psychotherapist should the complete the  Stage One application form – Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. This should be considered in conjunction with CPJA’s Standards of Education and Training  document (Section 4 paragraphs 1 – 8)  for details of the elements necessary for a sufficient training experience.

It is important that applicants complete their application in a manner that clearly demonstrates their having met the rigorous clinical practice, supervision and personal therapy requirements set out in FiP’s Criteria for Accreditation as a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. These accreditation criteria are founded on the principle of ‘Equivalence’ and are directly based on CPJA requirements. As an accrediting member of UKCP FiP have limited flexibility regarding the interpretation of CPJA criteria. Successful applicants will have accumulated at least the level of training and experience required of candidates undertaking a relevant training overseen by a training organisation within the CPJA college of UKCP.

Please note, we cannot predict the outcome of the application assessment prior to receipt of a completed application, nor can submission of a Stage One application guarantee  moving forward to later stages of the application process.

If you decide not to proceed with the application, we would appreciate understanding why; this may enable us to improve the process