How to accredit with FiP

FiP is an Accrediting Member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and can confer accreditation with the Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis College (CPJA) and registration with UKCP. Successful accreditation with UKCP(CPJA) confers eligibility for full membership of FiP [follow link to our membership categories]


FiP offers accreditation within CPJA under two practice labels:

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

The above links provide access to information to the relevant process, criteria for acceptance and application forms in respect of the alternative practice labels. Applicants should take care to ensure their training and experience meets the requirements  of the accreditation which they are seeking. Applicants are responsible for presenting their application information in a manner that demonstrates compliance in as clear a manner as possible. A failure to provide all requested and other relevant information could result in delays to the processing


Holders of a valid European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) awarded by the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP) may be eligible for full membership of FiP via our membership application process. Please follow this link for further information regarding this possibility.


Accreditation applications: Appeals process

FiP seeks to process applications for accreditations efficiently and fairly in accordance with the relevant eligibility criteria for the UKCP/CPJA accreditation and registration being sought

If an applicant is concerned about the way their application has been considered or with the outcome of their application for accreditation, FiP has an Applications Appeal Procedure via which they can seek an independent review of the decision and related matters.